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Ninlil is the Sumerian Goddess of Air. Her name means "Lady of the Open Field" or "Lady of the Air". She is the Consort Goddess of Enlil.
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Fire elemental
Nut- the Egyptian sky goddess. She IS the sky and her lover is the earth. Forever separated from one another.
Entre Ombre et Lumière...
Ange ou démon...
almost trance-like. I feel like I could listen to Pink Floyd while watching this. very cool
Firebender by Sugargrl14 on DeviantArt
Goddess ~ "The blood of the Gods runs through your veins."
Arianrhod (Celtic) - Goddess of the moon and stars, her name means “silver- wheel” the wheel of the year and the web of fate.
Skadi - Norse goddess
Skadi: Norse goddess of winter and the hunt she was the wife of Ull, Thor's stepson, she was a strong fighter and quite beautiful . She is only a goddess because she alone stormed Asgard .
Elemental Ballet - Water
...an oil painting of the Elemental Goddess of the Waters...
Catering Aqiqah Terdekat di Bandung, Jasa Paket Aqiqah Termurah, Enak dan Profesional
Kolyada - Goddess of the Winter Solstice.
Goddess Rindr
"What is happening to me," Evolet asked, starting to panic as she looked down into the water below and beheld her eerie complexion. "You are becoming one with the water." "But I don't want to!" "You must. It is not for you to decide. It decides for you."