
596 Pins
Как красиво сделать карман в вязанном изделии
Как красиво сделать карман в вязанном изделии
Интернет-магазин "АЖУР" | Пряжа и инструмент для ручного вязания
Секретный набор петель, благодаря которому край изделия получается как на промышленном производстве.
Contiguous pattern by Susie Myers
Knitting method for contiguous-set-in-sleeves. Look for it over raverly or any other place .... Just the pic over here was a really good one to show what this method is
Jogless stripes--pretty picture version (part 3 of a series)
TECHknitting: Jogless Stripes Tutorial. Complete instructions for traveling and stationary stripes.
techniques – Italian Dish Knits
Super stretchy, super easy Elizabeth Zimmerman's bind-off
Knitting Tip: I-Cord Bind-Off - Make:
Looking for an alternative way to finish necklines, cuffs, and edging in your handknits? Try the smooth, rounded look of an I-cord bind-off!
WOW great tutorial for calculating top-down sweater