
2,963 Pins
DIY Leather Bead Bracelet Tutorial from Happy Hour Projects.This bracelet is unique because the clasp is in the front. There is a good description of fold-over end caps that crimp the leather ends and make these ends easy to add jump rings to. For hundreds of the best DIY bracelets go here:
Новогодний домик из соленого теста » Планета рукоделия - Russian fairy castle.
Photo Album | Magic Gift Box
Are You Searching For Gift Box Ideas?? Here is An Awesome Gift Idea For You.. THE MAGIG GIFT BOX! Learn how to make this simple yet sophisticated looking Pull out Photo box . This is enclosed with a very pretty Accordion fold photo strip to give your loved ones a beautiful memory to travel . I hope you'll enjoy making this love packed box.
Albero di Natale a sorpresa
Un fantastico albero di Natale fai da te per regalare una matrioska di emozioni e golosissime merendine! #Natale #ricettedinatale #bricolage
Hướng dẫn Cách làm hoa mai từ giấy nhún - Apricot blossom paper flowers | Dzung Mac
Hướng dẫn Cách làm hoa mai từ giấy nhún - Apricot blossom paper flowers | Dzung Mac - YouTube
Crepe paper flower, How to make paper Camellia flower from crepe paper, easy tutorial
DIY- How to make paper Camellia flower from crepe paper - Hoa trà my giấy nhún - YouTube
Paracord canteen cover, finally finished...
Paracord canteen cover, finally finished... by Stormdrane, via Flickr (no tutorial)