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Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Magdalen Islands, Quebec, Canada
10 lugares para visitar antes que desapareçam
Propensas a sistemas dunares, as Ilhas Madalenas sofrem erosão (pelo vento) de pelo menos um metro ao ano. Na imagem, área de Belle-Anse | Foto: Jean-Francois Noel
Cutest in the animal kingdom
A pup harp seal rests on the ice floes off the coast of the Magdalen Islands, Quebec.
Five Ways to Get Real Close to Canadian Wildlife
FIVE WAYS TO GET REAL CLOSE TO CANADIAN WILDLIFE 1. Snorkeling with Beluga Whales in Churchill, Manitoba 2. Visiting the Baby Harp Seals in the Magdalen Islands, Quebec 3. Walk with Wolves in Golden, BC 4. Track Spirit Bears on Princess Royal Island, BC 5. Kayak with Humpbacks in Witless Bay, Newfoundland
Turning Leaves: The Rich Colors of Fall Foliage
Butchart Gardens - Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada
Autumn at the Lake by Alan Marsh
Autumn At The Lake, Laurentians, Quebec, Canada