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Glamour e cultura popular. Música, moda, decoração, tecnologia, curiosidades, natureza, luxo, futilidades e muito mais. Às vezes, um papo sério.
Hausideen - DAS HAUS
Schubladen nutzen den Raum unter der Treppe zum Verstauen allerlei Utensilien.
Excellent style for stair storage; and the glass dividing wall with a bright wall is a nice way to open space, especially if natural light is coming from above the stairwell.
Quel bois pour escalier-étagère ?
Bonjour, J'ai pour projet de construire un escalier-étagère qui mène à un lit-mezzanine. L'image sera certainement plus évocatrice qu'un long discours: (...)
360 Likes, 33 Comments - Elisa Helland-Hansen (@elisahellandhansen) on Instagram: “Our friends stairway.”
How to Build Floating Stairs
How to Build Floating Stairs - Handy Father
Photo 1 of 43 in Taphouse by GriD architects
Tagged: Staircase, Glass, and Concrete. Taphouse by GriD - Photo 1 of 43