
22 Pins
Malinové Bounty tyčinky
Tento recept na Malinové Bounty tyčinky od Stvory z kuchyně s křupavými lyo malinami je podle jejích vlastních slov "mega jednoduchý a s mega fajnovým výsledkem". Vyzkoušíte ho i vy?:-) Suroviny 35 g lyofilizovaných malin 200 g kokosu 1 plechovka Salka (slazené zahuštěné plnotučné mléko) 200 g čokolády troška oleje
Most Stuninng and Amazing Crochet Cup & Glass Coaster Design Ideas & Patterns
Most Stuninng and Amazing Crochet Cup & Glass Coaster Design Ideas & Patterns
Coolest Number 1 Girl Birthday Cake
Coolest Number 1 Girl Birthday Cake: I made this Number 1 Girl Birthday Cake for my daughter. It was the first cake that I made and decorated and I got my ideas from this site and others on
First birthday cake for Damian
A beautiful balloon birthday cake to celebrate a first birthday. Personalised with name and favourite things; a great idea that can be adapted to any age.
Monster Torte aus Buttercreme...
Monster Torte aus Meringue Buttercreme ...Monster cake buttercream