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88 tolle Gartenideen für kleine Gärten!
grünes gras - zwei kreative körbe aus stein auf dem boden
How to Regrow Food in Water: 10 Foods that Regrow Without Dirt
Save money and regrow food scraps in water. Perfect if you don't have room for a vegetable garden & are trying to save a few bucks! But which veggies or fruit will regrow from scrap? We've compiled a list beyond just green onions, lettuce and celery. And also included how to regrow them by putting the roots in water and more! #veggies #vegetables #regrow #plants #scrap #water #garden
Gardening Hacks To Turn Your Thumb Green
For some folks, gardening is indecipherable as black magic. In truth, just a few tricks can help to get almost anyone going. Eggshell pl...
Fabriquer un barbecue DIY ! - blog déco - Clem Around The Corner
Fabriquer un barbecue DIY ! - blog déco - Clem Around The Corner - décoration extérieur pour un jardin ou terrasse diy do it yourself avec des briques rouge et des grilles pour accueillir les grillades saucisses et brochettes terrasse en carrelage jardin arbre verdure nature deco exterieur tendance et design avec un tuto tutoriel facile #barbecue #briquesrouges #briques #grillade #food #saucisses #diy #doityourself #tuto #tutoriel #decodesign #decotendance #hometendance #homesweethome #outdoor
Dekorative Pflanzenstecker selber basteln
Aus Ton, Holz und anderen Naturmaterialien lassen sich mit ein paar Kniffen wunderbare Pflanzenstecker gestalten – so passen die Namensschilder auch optisch perfekt zu Ihren grünen Schätzen in Töpfen und Beeten.
Just because it’s snowing outside doesn’t mean you can’t get a head start on your garden for next year. Countertop greenhouses are one of my favorite projects for Spring Break when the kids are out of school. They love to help with the planting and it’s a fun activity to do
DIY and Crafts: Just because it’s snowing outside doesn’t mean you...