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Art of Magnus Norén
Finished! Maybe I’ll do a few variations, I do have a couple of ideas I’m thinking of exploring..
Crítica: Coringa é eletrizante e retrata o pior lado da sociedade
Crítica: Coringa é eletrizante e retrata o pior lado da sociedade. O comediante falido Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) encontra violentos bandidos pelas ruas de Gotham City. Desconsiderado pela sociedade, Fleck começa a ficar louco e se transforma no criminoso conhecido como Coringa. #coringa #joker #JoaquinPhoenix #JOKERLOVERS
The Happy Sorceress
The Riddler by Pierced Together Cosplay, via Smile-X Villian Co.; photo by Jon C. Haverstick Photography
BtAS Scarecrow + video by Klar-Jezebeth on DeviantArt
BtAS Scarecrow + video by Klar-Jezebeth on DeviantArt
Riddle Me This by s0lidlyksnak3 on DeviantArt
Riddle Me This by s0lidlyksnak3 on deviantART
Bleeding Cool Bestseller Lists - 23rd July 2017 - An Interlude Of Jokes And Riddles
Bleeding Cool Bestseller Lists – 23rd July 2017 – An Interlude Of Jokes And Riddles
Swamp MtG Art from Khans of Tarkir Set by Adam Paquette - Art of Magic: the Gathering
Swamp MtG Art by Adam Paquette MTG SET: KHANS OF TARKIR
MadRabbitStudio - Konrad Szlapa