
11 Pins
Risparmio energetico ottimale grazie all’ isolamento dell’intercapedine
Più volte ci è stato chiesto come isolare meglio l'appartamento e ottenere un risparmio energetico con l’isolamento dell’intercapedine, ma in cosa consiste esattamente? La coibentazione è una tecni...
23 citátů, které vám dají sílu v těžkých časech
Prožíváte těžké období? Nevíte najít způsob, jak ho překonat? Najděte sílu v těchto citátech, které vám pomohou znovu se postavit na nohy.
Construire un auvent en bois sur poteaux maçonnés : tutoriel
Construire un auvent en bois sur poteaux maçonnés : tutoriel
Cheap and Easy Garage Tool Hangers
I had piles of handled tools lying everywhere in my garage. I saw a picture of this idea, and it was so easy I thought I would share it here. Basically it consist of cutting 2 x 4 lumber into 18" strips and screwing them to the framing of the garage. That's all there is to it. Recap: Cut some 2 x 4s into 18" sections Pre-drill two holes for the screw in each 2 x 4. (I didn't do any measuring.. I just kind of eyed where the holes should go) Screw them i...