
259 Pins
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Dinosaur Ice Egg Exploration Tuff Tray
Get little ones excavating, they will love this activity! Freeze some small dinosaur figurines in egg shaped moulds. Then add them to the centre of a tuff tray surrounded by hay and dinosaurs. Give them mini child friendly brushes and hammers to get them to unearth the eggs.
PROYECTO LA PREHISTORIA: Hachas realizados por mis niños de 5 años.
37x Verven; ideeën om te schilderen, leuke dingen voor kinderen, peuters en kleuters - Mamaliefde.nl
37x Verven met peuters & kleuters; schilderen ideeën & activiteiten met materialen - Mamaliefde
Salt Dough Dinosaur Bone Dig 🦖 We were able to see Sue the T-Rex at the museum recently and it was incredible for Rosie and Mae! We learned about the the fossils, but also about Sue Hendrickson, who discovered the T-Rex. Rosie and Mae are all about exploring and searching for fossils now, so I put together this dino dog sensory bin for them! I painted a simple T-Rex skeleton on cardboard and covered the painting with a sheet of parchment paper. I shaped salt dough into similar bone shapes a...