Amazing animals

13 Pins
Kladruber General - Christiane Slawik
The Kladruber {The oldest Czech horse breed. The main breeding centre is Kladruby nad Labem, where Kladrubers have been bred for more than 400 years.}
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Polar Bear- though the attitude reminds me very much of my cat Hamley (also a large breed of his species)
Life's little treasures
rokuthecat: “ Are we done yet..? by esthervinju breed,cat,coon,coons,kitten,kittens,kitties,kitty,maine,maine coon,mainecoon,pet,pets,tiger ”
CAT CARE - Cats In Care
Oriental Shorthair Cat -such a regal nose - THIS is where the cat we know today started
Balineská kočka | ROGZ.CZ - Chovatelské potřeby
Balineská kočka | ROGZ.CZ - Chovatelské potřeby
Siamská kočka | ROGZ.CZ - Chovatelské potřeby
Siamská kočka je zřejmě nejznámějším čistokrevným plemenem kočky.