EKO Design

43 Pins
Einfach eine Dose ein wenig eindrücken und mit Sprühlack lackieren. Fertig ist eine kleine Vase :) Günstigen Sprühlack findet ihr hier: 1 Dose Buntsprühlack seidenmatt weiss 400 ml
How To's - Bertolli
Have some extra wine corks lying around? (Shh, so do we!) There are a lot of fun ways to repurpose them, but here’s a simple one: 1. Carefully, use a sharp knife to cut cork in ½-inch discs. 2. Brush each cork face with preferred color. Use a different color for each disc. 3. Push a small eye screw into each disc. 4. Use twine to tie each cork to a glass.
Discussions from Do It Yourself
Paper Towel Roll Wreath with rolled paper flowers. Might be a cute summer wreath using yellows & orange
We're Sorry, Page Not Found | Serena and Lily
Origami Lamps. #lamps #origami #lighting
Trendige Origami-Lampe zum selber machen / dekotopia
DIY origami lamp via dekotopia