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TOILET PAPER DERBY 🐎 try this one at your next family dinner- it’s a hoot 😂😂 ➡️➡️ HOW TO PLAY -Grab a roll of toilet paper for each participant -Place an object of choice (ours was plastic miniature horses) on one end of the toilet paper -Unravel the toilet paper across a table (kitchen islands work great too!) -Each participant holds the toilet paper roll opposite of their object -On start each player tries to safely get their object as close to the end of the table as possible without th...
Brain Booster Activity for Kids
Your brain is a super computer. Did you know that from birth to the age of three, an infant's brain develops faster than at any other time in the entire human life span? Find this and more brain booster activity for kids at Twinkl!
This may contain: two people standing next to each other with boxes of balls in front of them
How to do “The Box”
How to do “The Box”. The best base juggling pattern. #howto #juggle #learn #box