77 Pins
Fun Activities to Help Your Toddler Learn Colors!
A great list of easy and fun activities for toddlers to learn their colors. We were able to do all of these with minimal prep and our two year old loved every single one of them!
Playdough Mat Name Forming Practice
Playdough Mat Name Forming Practice #nametracing #myname #freeprintable #customize #editable #preschool #kinder #prek
Les meilleures activités Montessori pour les 3 - 7 ans à faire à la maison
Qui ne connait pas la «Méthode Montessori» ? Une méthode qui permet aux enfants de grandir tout en développant leur autonomie, en étant responsable et en expérimentant...
Ideas Montessori de 2 a 3 años. Montessori low cost |
Hoy os propongo ideas Montessori de 2 a 3 años. Muchas actividades que podrás hacer en casa para tu peque de forma low cost.
Quick Challenge: Leaf Patterns
My son and his friends always love to run around making lots of noise when my daughter is napping... so I usually either send them outside o...
A Peek at our Week!
Well, it is definitely raining! It has been absolutely pouring all morning, just about the heaviest rain that I have ever seen, and just whe...