CD výrobky

226 Pins
Идеи для тех, кто не знает куда деть старые компакт-диски и зеркала)
CD/DVD Roofing Concept
Concept idea for using CD's for a roof. Interesting, but prolly wouldn't make it too long under direct heat from the sun.
Imagem - Educação Infantil - Aluno On | Elişi Fikirleri, Sanat çocuklar 86
Imagem - Educação Infantil - Aluno On | Imagens Educação
100 PIECES OF ART IN A WEEK - YouTube - Google Chrome - Gyazo
Creative Fun For All Ages With Easy DIY Wall Art Projects
Creative Fun For All Ages With Easy DIY Wall Art Projects. I like the vegetable ones, the bubbles, and the cd mosaic
13 kid-friendly crafts using recyclables - Today's Parent
Put those ancient CDs to good use with this neat idea! Here are 13 kid-friendly crafts using recyclables.