15 Pins
Plastic Bag Landscapes
Plastic Bag Landscapes made with recycled plastics, lights & coloured backgrounds // Vilde Rolfsen #art
New, Used, & Sample Wedding Dresses - Nearly Newlywed
This is a very delicate use of colour against a fairly graphic texture. Very effective.
The will never find it in their hearts to spend money on something unique and beautiful. Hammered metals, marble, stone, fabric textures will all be dismissed in favor of cheap linoleum and off white paint.
Royal Copenhagen | Hand-painted porcelain since 1775
Complete the statement “Black as…” with descriptive words or colourful imageries - and compete for a piece of the world of black that we will soon launch. Join “Black as…”: http://blackandblue.royalcopenhagen.com/en/black
Black | Noir | Preto | Ebony | Sable | Onyx | Charcoal | Obsidian | Jet | Color | Texture | Pattern | Styling |
love the rhythm of the linear, vertical movement and the light and dark, horizontal movement.
3D tactile trends at this years surface design show London more from Interlam
Photo (Fashion Fever Tumblr)
Cracked paint... easy to do... I have paint at home... texture YAZ JUDITHPDESIGN // White colour Inspiration
Random Ghost
Rock Formations - natural rough textures with earthy grey tones; nature's artwork. Don't wanna get caught under those...