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DIY Art & Craft Supplies - Shop & Learn
Learn how to paint a daisy with Priscilla Hauser! Super easy step by steps #plaidcrafts #DIY
How to Add TEXTURE with EGGSHELLS (part 1 of 2)
How to make TREE BLOSSOM STENCILS out of HOT GLUE - YouTube
How to make TREE BLOSSOM STENCILS out of HOT GLUE - YouTube
A Simple Tool For Printmaking (Hint: You Probably Already Have One)
How to use a glue gun as a printmaking tool
It's Glue Gun & Plastic Time Again ... Halloween Edition (Photo Heavy)
The bottles are plastic vitamin bottles! The writing is from a glue gun & the bottles were painted with chalk paint.-Halloween
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how do you do this without hot gluing the crayons to the top? I like it that this one doesn't have crayon remnants. Super cool.
How to make a snowflake wreath Easy Dollar store supplies! I love their snowflake decorations available every year!
Give Thanks Art
making letters with hot glue gun: wax paper, glue gun, dish soap, and printed words. Place the wax paper over the printed word, cover wax paper with thin layer of dish soap mixed with a tiny bit of water. Trace the letter outline with glue gun. After glue dries, peel off lettering...paint in any color.
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love these cascading felt balls- inspiration for my 'every colour of the rainbow' felt-ball mobile