
308 Pins
Dýňový koláč 🎃
Dýňová sezóna už je v plném proudu a to znamená jediné – je nejvyšší čas na nějakou dýňovou dobrotu! Tentokrát pro vás máme recept na dýňový koláč, který jako základ využívá naše Minutové ovesné vločky.
Zdravé včelí úlky 🐝🎄
Celý recept najdete na našem blogu. Jsou to včelí úly, nebo vosí hnízda? Ať už tomuhle oblíbenému vánočnímu cukroví říkáte jakkoliv, jasné je, že k Vánocům zkrátka a dobře patří. Vyzkoušejte je letos ale jinak – s Minutovými vločkami a Mixitellou!
This may contain: someone is spreading chocolate on top of the cake in a glass dish with a spoon
could transform leftover rice into a decadent chocolate mousse💁🏻‍♂️?
But after having tried it🙌🏻, I can confidently say that you cannot taste rice at all and the result is incredibly chocolatey, creamy and just soo good ❤️ Ingredients 🤌🏻1+1/2 cup (260g) dark chocolate, melted 🤌🏻1 cup boiled rice 🤌🏻1/2 hot water 🤌🏻Cocoa powder, for dusting Process 1. Begin by melting dark chocolate in the microwave, heating it in 30-second intervals until it is completely melted. 2. In a blender, combine cooked rice, boiled water, and the melted dark chocolate. Blend until you achieve a smooth, velvety mousse like texture. 3. Pour the mixture into a bowl and refrigerate it for 2 hours until it sets. 4. Once the pudding is set, dust the top with cocoa powder and enjoy! 🎥@shivesh17
This may contain: rice cake truffles being made in a food processor
Rice Cake Truffles
200+ Healthy Meal Recipes & High Protein Breakfast Recipes, Salad Recipes and many more food preparation book step by step is in my profile #HomeWorkout #FitnessAtHome #StayActive #NoGymNoProblem #HomeGym #WorkoutMotivation #SweatAtHome #BodyweightWorkout #HomeFitness #GetFitAtHome #HealthyLifestyle #FitLife #HomeExercise #WorkoutFromHome #HomeSweatSession #StayHealthy #HomeWorkoutChallenge #FitnessJourney #HomeFit #FitnessGoals #WorkoutInspiration #AtHomeWorkout #HomeTraining
Královský jablečný koláč: Toto je klenot každé rodinné oslavy – nejlepší jablečný zákusek, jaký ochutnáte!
Karamelový cheesecake do sklenic, který se nepeče a nevaří: Uložte si recept, tohle je nejlepší dobrota jakou znám ! | Woman Tiscali Woman Tiscali
This may contain: a person holding up a cookie with blueberries on it in front of some potted plants
Who loves a simple, make ahead, summer dessert you can pull out of the freezer? We're loving these "Lemon Blueberry Cheesecakes", by @helens_vegan_kitchen . They're plant-based and gluten-free! They're full of organic, whole foods, making them an ideal summer dessert. Serves 6 Ingredients for the base: - 1 cup mixed nuts (almonds and cashews) (140g) - 6 large Medjool dates, pitted Ingredients for the filling: - 1 cup cashews (140g) - 3/4 cup coconut cream (the thick creamy part at the top of the coconut milk can) (180ml) - 2-3 tbsp maple syrup - 2 tbsp melted coconut oil - Juice and zest of a large lemon Topping: Blueberries Instructions: 1. Start by soaking the cashews (for the filling) in boiling water and set aside for 20 minutes while you prepare the base. 2. For the base, add
Follow if you love healthy snack! 🍵⚡️ Matcha Energy Snack Balls by @epicmintleaves Get MORE energy in the most DELICIOUS way. Made with matcha powder, but tastes SOOO good. A SUPER healthy and super quick + easy SNACK. Tag a friend who needs this recipe now! . 👨‍🍳 Matcha Energy Balls ½ cup (80 g) almonds, peeled ½ cup (70 g) dates, pitted 1 tsp matcha powder 80 g dairy-free (sugar-free) dark chocolate
Recept na americké cookies s čokoládou - SLEPIČÁRNA
7 fantastických dezertů za studena, které okouzlí nepřekonatelnou chutí a rychlou přípravou: Číslo 6 můžete i při dietě ! | Woman Tiscali Woman Tiscali
7 fantastických dezertů za studena, které okouzlí nepřekonatelnou chutí a rychlou přípravou: Číslo 6 můžete i při dietě ! - Strana 4 z 6 - Woman Tiscali