
Весенние пташки
Vezunia's made, или... а мне еще и петь охота!
Wildlife in Inks & Watercolours by Colleen Parker
Little green bird. Colleen Parker
Workshop Project #1
I hope your holidays were wonderful and I am certainly looking forward to 2010 and playing the many new ideas I have been waiting to convert into fabric and thread. Is there such a thing as a mad scientist quilter? Someone who has a laboratory that is totally devoted to experimentation with fabric and... Continue reading »
Autumn | Remember this pencil sketch I did a couple of weeks… | Flickr
Particle Press//Fiona Leighton on Instagram: “Happy Easter friends 🐣🦋🐥💙 Wishing you all a wonderful chocolate filled day 🍫 I’ve been flexing my painting muscles for the start of the…”
What Is Bird Art? Learn More About It
bird art 38