
68 Pins
obsequious Chimpanzee
This is the reason why I never saw Sakura as useless in Shippuden. #Sakura vs. Sasori
Naruto » Humor + <3 | "My dear brother, love is when you steal my chocolate from my school bag everyday, but I still keep it in the same place everyday" | #itachi #sasuke
Our first Kiss by YameGero on DeviantArt
Although I am one of those hopeless people who cheer for Sasuhina I love NarHina as well, especially since it is the more probable option
This is literally the cutest thing ever! Naruto's all happy, Sakura's a little confused and Sasuke just like "No.'
Sakura Haruno (春野サクラ, Haruno Sakura) is one of the main characters in the series. She is a chūnin-level kunoichi of Konohagakure, a talented medical-nin, and a member of Team Kakashi.