18 Pins
B3dge-log - By @isodo3d! “Featured at SXSW 2013: 3D Printed...
Tube roller by pintokitkat
Tube Roller - An adaptation of alany's tube key http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:21410 that includes a squasher frame and end cap to hold the key in place. The slot in the squasher is offset to help the tube go around the key.
3d doodling. Are you kidding? This is a hand held 3d printing pen. Super fun way for kids to learn about and interact with the new, awesome age of 3d printing. Great share by @how0239
The world's first 3D-printed shoe collection – in pictures
The world's first 3D-printed shoe collection – in pictures
What's New in Canadian Online Gambling Industry in 2025?
Si je vous dis que ce sont des souliers, me croyez-vous ? Swirl 3D #impression3D
Made In USA Stamp
3D Made In USA Stamp, FORMBYTE Download on https://cults3d.com #3Dprinting