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Maken: de leukste boekenleggers
Leuk voor je kinderen die nu weer naar school gaan: boekenleggers knutselen. Ga lekker met je kinderen aan de keukentafel zitten en maak de mooiste creaties.
Vectorial Animals by Bodea Daniel, via Behance // Petits animaux divers : chien, hérisson, lapin, chat, chèvre, hibou, mouton, coq, oiseau, sanglier, cochon, cheval, souris, vache, requin, âne, baleine, poisson, dauphin, tortue, renne, serpent, pigeon, mouette, grenouille, singe, girafe, aigle, canard, panda, ours, rhinocéros, hippopotame, chameau, éléphant, koala, lion, mammouth
10 Ideias incríveis de Capa de Caderno 📚💜 DIY com Plástico Auto Adesivo
Faça você mesmo uma linda capa de caderno de panda fofinho, cute, kawaii , fofo, volta às aulas, DIY, do it yourself, Back to school, regreso a clases, Notebook