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The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51A or NGC 5194) and (M51B or NGC 5195, left). The Whirlpool Galaxy is a grand-design spiral galaxy, interacting with NGC 5195, a dwarf galaxy. Both galaxies are located 23 ± 4 million light-years away in Canes Venatici.
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the one and only Kirk
n-a-s-a: Distant galaxy SMM J2135-0102. To help support Spixelite please check out our YouTube channel Spixelite Research. And search for Spixelite on Google you may find something that may interests you
Hawking’s radiation
We can get our answer with the help of quantum theory only. According to quantum theory, that radiation didn't emitted from black hole but it emit from space closer to event horizon
Nice to meet you..
Nice to meet you..
Galaxy Andromeda. Infrared The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224, is a spiral galaxy approximately 780 kiloparsecs (2.5 million light-years) from Earth. It is the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way and was often referred to as the Great Andromeda Nebula in older texts. It received its name from the area of the sky in which it appears, the constellation of Andromeda, which was named after the mythological princess Andromeda.
The magic of the Internet
Among some of the most important tales regarding animals are those that are creation myths. They help to explain the origins of humanity and/or the universe and animals will often play a key role in these type of stories.
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Today's WOW picture amazing space photo