
32 Pins
The Ingenious Floating Gardens Of The Aztecs...
MEXICO: the Ingenious Floating Gardens of the Aztecs... When Cortez discovered the Aztec Empire in the year 1519, he found 200,000 people living on an island in the middle of a lake. Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City, was the biggest and best-fed city in the world, and this fortress city was completely surrounded by water. To feed their enormous population, the Aztecs ingeniously built chinampas, or floating gardens, anchored by willow trees at the 4 corners....
How to Build an Underground Greenhouse and Have Food All Year
How to build an underground greenhouse and have food year round for $300!
Flatpack Urban Farm Grows 6.6 Tons of Food in 538 Sq Ft
Flatpack Urban Farm Grows 6.6 Tons of Food in 538 Sq Ft
How to Store Vegetables Over the Winter: Unique Storage Tips
How to Store Vegetables Over the Winter: Modern and Vintage Storage Tips - If you grow your own vegetables storing the stuff you don’t eat or sell is important not only for a survival perspective but it's a great way to save money and have homegrown vegetables out of season. #foodstorage #homestead
17 Clever Vegetable Garden Hacks
Soda bottle drip feeder - use bbq skewers to poke holes in 2L soda bottle and bury next to plant when planting
Local men go beyond ‘teaching a man to fish’
Self-sustaining fish ponds and compost production for growing vegetables. Molly Zisk - The Orange County Register
How to make your garden drought proof, using unglazed clay pots. - The Permaculture Research Institute
How to make your garden drought proof, using unglazed clay pots. - The Permaculture Research Institute
Essential Plant Nutrients for Growth – My Little Green Garden
from the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension