Sustainable living - permaculture

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Solar powered vertical aquaponic system concept - built in a spiral to maximize space and efficiency #aquaponics #aquaponic #verticalaquaponics
We are delighted to see our VF5207 in the middle of Bristol in @Suncraft restaurant. With ever-increasing consumer demand for fresher foods and unique flavours, a growing number of restaurants and F&B retailers are looking as Suncraft to add growing systems to their premises. #local #smoothie #greentechnology #innovation #hydroponic #horticulture #business #technology #LEDs #urbanfarming #futureofFarming #farming #verticalFarming #urbanagriculture #agriculture #leafyvegetables #greens is for sale. Buy it today!
Looking to make a MAJOR lifestyle change? Earth Ships are definitely the way to go! Find out all of the reasons to live in these self-sufficient structures.
Permaculture - Hügelkultur (German, meaning “hill culture” or “mound culture”) is the garden concept of building raised beds over decaying wood piles. Decayed timbers become porous and retain moisture while releasing nutrients into the soil that, in turn, promote root growth in plant materials. As the logs decay, they expand and contract, creating air pockets that assist in aerating the soil, allowing roots to easily penetrate the soil. This decaying environment creates a beneficial home to earthworms. As the worms burrow into the soil, they loosen the soil and deposit nutrient-rich worm castings, beneficial to plants. An earthworm can produce its weight in castings on a daily basis. The best decayed wood for a Hügelkultur, according to A Growing Culture, comes from alders, applewood, cottonwood, poplar, maple and birch. Use wood products that have been in the process of decay for about a year (using green, or fresh, wood products will rob the soil of necessary nitrogen). Some wood products, like cedar and black walnut, should be avoided because they produce organisms that negatively effect plant growth. | Facebook
Hügelkultur (German, meaning “hill culture” or “mound culture”) is the garden concept of building raised beds over decaying wood piles. Decayed timbers become porous and retain moisture while releasing nutrients into the soil that, in turn, promote root growth in plant materials.
Heat Your Home With Solar Hot Water – Mother Earth News
Heat Your Home w/ Solar Hot Water - This is close to our plan. The only difference is we plan on being able to flush the system with cold water as our floors will be cement and we can cool our floors also. :)
Solar "fryer" made from an old satellite dish. More about being off the grid in West Texas:
Globe Sun, la bolla gigante che raccoglie energia dal Sole e dalla Luna
Globe Sun, la bolla gigante che raccoglie energia dal Sole e dalla Luna