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11 Pins
Beading Tips & Techniques
Crimping Basics Learn the basics of crimping, one of the most essential techniques to making bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and other beading designs.
[Tutorial] Amberle
Free bead_tutorial: These beaded segments join to make a bracelet. Earrings and pendant could easily be made as well.
Craft ideas 125
Featured on Bead-Patterns.com Newsletter. Check out for more featured FREE beading patterns, tutorials and Eye Candy!
Itt a TAVASZ! /SPRING is here! Fűzés mintával/ with tutorial
CHEEKYBEADS - SPRING is here! 2-hole bead bracelet or necklace tutorial #Seed #Bead #Tutorials
Beaded Jewelry Designs - Make Cheap Jewelry with Beads – Nbeads
beaded jewelry designs - make cheap jewelry with beads