
61 Pins
Schneckenrennen macht Spaß, und das nicht nur beim Spielen - hier zeigen wir, wie man die Schnecken dazu selber bastelt!
Rainbow Pebbles Sorting and Stacking Set
These beautiful sorting and stacking stones come in bright rainbow colors and are perfect for preschool sensory play. #preschool #colorrecognition #kindergarten Дидактическая игра на развитие мелкой моторики «Подбери по цвету»
Дидактическая игра на развитие мелкой моторики «Подбери по цвету» Фото
15 Perfect Quiet Time Activities For Toddlers
As babies grow into toddlers, they become infinitely more clever and aware of the world around them, which makes getting them to take those much-needed afternoon naps almost impossible. As toddlers are naturally inquisitive and active, it can be challenging to …
Brincadeiras para as crianças dentro de casa durante a quarentena
Que tal estimular as crianças a colocarem a mão na massa e construírem seus próprios brinquedos/brincadeiras?