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industrial home | Nylon fabric — april and may
industrial home | Nylon fabric — APRIL AND MAY
モルタル天板 フィンレッグテーブル
Dichotomicが製作・販売する、ベルギーの特殊な左官材「MORTEX / モールテックス」を使ったモルタル天板とスクエアレッグを組み合わせたダイニングテーブル。
Furniture You'll Love You'll Love | Wayfair.co.uk
Haysi Dining Table Mercury Row Size: H76 x L220 x W100cm
Beautiful table design
Table 700 euros, stool 125 euros. All the plots are made from plywood. For more information or if you would like to order write to us on pm, via all of our social networks.
Tables — Atlas Industries
The at8 is intended as a companion piece to the as4 modular furniture system, increasing its flexibility and suitability for small commercial and home offices where stand-alone furniture is called for. The at8 performs beautifully as a dining table, but the detailing would scale well to any size, allowing for applications such as conference tables for the office and coffee tables for the home. Shown in walnut.