
326 Pins
RHYTHM LESSON 8 - Reading Notation
music lessons for home schoolers, music lessons for the young child, peter and the wolf, rhythm, teaching musical form, melody, elementary music
Tracing Music Notes Worksheets for kids {Treble Clef}
A set of 26 music worksheets is created to help your students learn to trace, copy, color and draw notes on the staff {Treble pitch}. {C first – A second octaves} #elmused #music #musicworksheets #musiceducation #musictracingworksheets #Trebleclef #AMStudio
Treble Clef Tracing Music Notes Worksheets for Spring
A set of 26 music worksheets {Spring themed} is created to help your students learn to trace, copy, color and draw notes on the staff {Treble pitch}. {C first – A second octaves}. #elmused#music#musicworksheets#musiceducation#musictracingworksheets#Trebleclef#AMStudio
Rhythm Chairs Game for the Elementary Music Classroom
Kids love the rhythm chairs game, and it's great for teaching rhythm versus beat. This post includes great tips for teaching the game and making it work for any elementary music classroom.
Notenmemory / Lernkarten für Keyboard oder Klavier - Musik für Kinder
zum kostenlosen Download und Gebrauch. viele Anregungen für Musik in Schule und Familie gibt es bei!
Free Music for Church Choirs | Ashley Danyew
Free Music for Church Choirs - a list of online music resources, and several free, ready-to-print anthem suggestions (easier and more challenging) | @ashleydanyew
50 Awesome Choral Warm-Ups for Church Choirs | Ashley Danyew
50 awesome choral warm-ups for church choirs + a free eBook! | @ashleydanyew