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Bodyweight Back Workout - The Health Science Journal
Office workers and anybody who tends to sit a lot will find these exercises very helpful in alleviating problems and symptoms associated with prolonged sitting. If you are diagnosed with a spinal or back injury, consult with your doctor if these exercises are suitable for you. The series so far: Exercise #1: Cat-Cow Exercise #2: Back Extension …
No-Equipment Ab Exercises Chart
No-Equipment Ab Exercises Chart - Bodyweight exercises always recruit more than one muscle group for each exercise so it is impossible to isolate and work one muscle group specifically by doing one type of exercise. It is however possible to increase the load targeting specific muscle groups with specific exercises so that they respond the most to the challenge. The following chart helps you find the exercise that helps focus more on specific abdominal muscle groups for best results.
Best Exercises to Target Each Muscle Group — MO Marketplace
Of course compound exercises like the bench press, squat and deadlift are good…
Avenger Workout / works: Quads, frontal hip flexors, glutes, shoulders, triceps, core, lateral abs, lower abs.
Jedi Workout / works: Calves, chest, forearms, triceps, biceps, deltoids, glutes, lateral abs, adductors, abs, core.
Amazing Spider-Man Workout. Bunch of nerdy workouts on this website. Really helpful for those of us that spend all our time on tumblr. Who says you can't be nerdy and fit?