43 Pins
Karlie Kloss, the face of Chanel Coco Noir 2014; photography by Sølve Sundsbø.
Profile / brilliant use of light & shadow by Freek Bekaert
“Ela mudou as roupas, o modo de andar, pintou o cabelo, passava mais maquiagem, mudou o jeito de pensar de falar e até de agir, mudou seu jeito, mudou tudo, só pra disfarçar o que não havia mudado ainda, o coração.”
Temecula Wedding Photographer | Voted #1 In Wine Country
Engagement Photos In Murrieta, CA. Off Camera Lighting. Rim Lighting Photography
Portrait Photography Techniques Using Dramatic High Contrast Lighting
Portrait Photography Techniques Using Dramatic High-Contrast Lighting
Portraiture Photography By Famous Photographers
Retrat espectacular de TongTong #fotografia #photography
Shape, photography by Quentin Arnaud - Ego - AlterEgo
Shape, photography by Quentin Arnaud - ego-alterego.com
Untitled by Phil Fisher / 500px
Dramatic lighting 500px / Photo "Untitled" by Phil Fisher
Profile / brilliant use of light & shadow by Freek Bekaert