Tvoření - květiny

115 Pins
35 Impossibly Creative Projects You Can Make with Recycled Egg Cartons
Love these recycled crafts. The roses are especially stunning.
Recyklace starých novin
развлечения для деток
Dětská tvořivost. Pohlednice 8. března / Dětské tvořivost - nášivka, řemesla z barevného papíru, kartonu, těsta, jíl, plastových lahví pro děti / Luntik. Rozvoj děti. Kreativita Hračky
Flowers are everywhere!
Hello, Everyone! It's spring time! We at Little Minds were busy making all kinds of flowers. Today's plan was to make daisies. This paper craft is really simple but takes a little time, because it involves lot's of work with small pieces of paper and the glue. You may pre-cut some things for the…
Cut paper and drawn flowers