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New North Press commissions a 3D-printed letterpress font, designed by A2-Type
New North Press commissions a 3D-printed letterpress font, designed by A2-Type | Design | Wallpaper* Magazine
In a process moving from digital to manual, these beautiful woodblocks have been designed in Illustrator, laser cut and then printed by hand. Produced by Nigel Bents, Paul Oakley and Jonny Holmes while at Chelsea College of Art & Design in London, the characters were based on a Bodoni poster typeface. The extreme stroke contrast has been used to house these playful decorative patterns. The letters were cut from 3mm plywood then mounted on type-high blocks before letterpress printing.
Top 30 Fonts with the Sexiest Ampersands
My Top 30 Fonts with the Sexiest Ampersands | Spoon Graphics Blog
by ryansl8r, via Flickr
Neon Ampersand Screen Print http://www.etsy.com/shop/shopampersand #AmpersandDesignStudio
Animal Alphabet | Marcus Reed – Feel Desain | your daily dose of creativity
This animal alphabet by Marcus Reed is very bright and colourful. Great for children as each word is made up of one or a group of animals that start with the same letter. Very educational and helpful for anyone struggling to find an animal that starts with a certain letter, it not too complex to understand, simple and clear designs.