
18 Pins
36 Recycled Scrap Metal Into Furniture Project Ideas
Rustic Towel Rack for bathroom maybe using hooks for more towels. Ellen's wood comes in handy again
The Bohemian Bathroom
amazing mosaic made with recycled bottles and broken china. I COULD BREAK UP A FEW WINE BOTTLES! THAT COULD BE THE BASE?!
17 Rustic Bathroom Ideas You Can Make With Pallet Wood • 1001 Pallets
17 Pallet Projects You Can Make for Your Bathroom
You wanted some cute mirror cover right? And you are also fed up at the same time, of the conventional decorative articles that we see around…
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at https://www.etsy.com/listing/252852280/rustic-wooden-entryway-walnut-coat-rack
The Tile Shop - High Quality Floor & Wall Tile
This shower brings elements of nature with a shower pan tiled with pebble mosaic. #thetileshop
perfect renovated bath with walk in shower - notice beam above
Luxury bathrooms: 6 classic designs
Light and air take pride of place here, providing the perfect place for precious me-time. "The approach with this family bathroom was to create a light, modern space," says Fiona Lynch, who created the design for the bathroom. "The freestanding vanity bench with timber dowel leg detail and mesh drawer fronts is subtle, but textural. Neutral tiling sits neatly as a light backdrop." Corian **benchtop** in Glacier White from [CASF](http://casf.com.au/|target="_blank") with pinewood vanity **...
75 Wohnideen Ideen & Bilder - Dezember 2024
Kamin Fliesen Bilder, Wohnideen und Einrichtungsideen für Zuhause
8 Douches à l’italienne tendance chic et zen - Décoration Maison et Idées déco Peinture par Pièce
Carrelage imitation parquet et grès font la douche italienne
14 Worthwhile Alcove Designs - Decoholic
bathroom alcove with textured tiles