Projekty na vyzkoušení

200 Pins
Wholesale Beads and Jewelry Making Supplies -
Two-hole Seed Bead Fan-shaped Earrings The main materials of the earrings are seed beads and pearl beads. The shape of the earring is like a fan. The delicate craft of the earrings will give you a kind of unique beauty.
Náušnice Oraefo (chir. ocel)
Pinch beads and super duo earrings
Korálkové náušnice Snehulienka / ADwade -
Visiace korálkové náušnice, na výrobu ktorých boli použité perly zn. Preciosa, dvojdierkové korálky Superduo v pastelovej bielej farbe - odtieň Light Cream a japonské korálky zn. Miyuki. Náušnice s...
Tear Drop Earrings CRAW--Beginner Tutorial
Tear Drop Earrings CRAW--Beginner Tutorial - YouTube
Around a Triangle Bracelet Beading Tutorial by Ezeebeady
Video:Around a Triangle Bracelet by Ezeebeady #Seed #Bead #Tutorials
How to Make Gorgeous Earrings - DIY - AllDayChic
How to Make Gorgeous Earrings – DIY …
How to Make Colorful 2-Hole Seed Bead Flower Earrings for Girls
2-Hole Seed Beads Earrings Tutorial from