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I died at Morgenstern squared. || All their names OMG! But thankfully Jace is now just Herondale and that makes Clary, Clarissa Adele (Fairchild) Herondale ♥♥♥
I swear this would make so much sense. Why she is sooo tall like Valentine, why she has black eyes, why she is one of the best shadowhunters of her generation (without any known angelic boosts like clary and jace), etc<<<<(replying to self) CASSIE DEBUNKED THIS, ITS NOT REAL NO MATTER IF I WISH IT WAS
Any non fan would be confused as heck if they came across this post.
And then after successfully protecting the people of the institute, I like to think that she finally found the peace she was looking for all those years ago.
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
I love the next sentence, which is, "your boyfriend's expensive, we know."
zara. on Twitter
Please. Please tell the Lightworm story.