Ruční výroba

62 Pins
Hamburské plece s vynikajúcou omáčkou. |
Hamburské plece, s vynikajúcou omáčkou.
Using the Fire
FORGING - anything to do with forging or black-smithy look on the Pinterest boards of Equip To Survive... This is a color chart for forging steel >> To me this is really interesting...I can't do this, but it is cool... or hot ;-)
Zambeste Traieste Iubeste – Tablou sculptura in fir continuu de sarma rosie sau neagra
mini porumbel 20181229_145635-1
Estatua De Jardín Metálica De Pato Para Exteriores 63 Centím - $ 3,744.6
John Lennon / Figura hecha de Metal. Arte en metal reciclado
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Metal scrap virgo guitar sculpture More
Dana 60 Owl, by S. Alcantara
interesting...could make some smaller ones too, so as not to use a ring gear