
9 Pins
There are so many tricks you can use in photography nowadays, whether that be professional or just playing around with your friends. Most of the tricks you see here are pretty hard to replicate, but it just goes to show, you shouldn't be believing every single perfect photo you see online.Want some exclusive content? Join the UltraLinx mailing list here.12345678910111213141516171819202122
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2 mi seguidores, 1,280 seguindo, 1,377 publicações - Veja as fotos e vídeos do Instagram de Brandon Woelfel (@brandonwoelfel)
40+ Genius Camera Hacks That Will Greatly Improve Your Photography Skills In Less Than 3 Minutes
Professional photography gear costs thousands of dollars but you can take stunning pictures by spending only a fraction of the cost.
Photography Hack: How to Use a Phone Screen to Create Enchanting Portraits
Photographer Mathias Fast has a clever photography hack that requires only a DSLR camera and your smartphone.
Become a Photo Star
Fabulous tutorial about aperture, ISO and Exposure! Photography tips. Nordic360.