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Three animated herringbone tutorials
twisted tubular herringbone stitch animation #seed #bead #tutorial
Урок "ндебеле" или "елочка"
Masterclass on Herringbone (translate) plain, twisted, etc. #Seed #Bead #Tutorials
Урок "ндебеле" или "елочка"
Herringbone/Ndbelle Master Class by Marisha. Needs translation. #Seed #Bead #Tutorials
Bugle spiral rope. clicks thru to pix schema.The important thing here is the beading wire strung thru the core. I've used this many times to allow a heavy focal bead without having to rely on a few passes of thread. This technique can be used with many seed bead projects for heavy wear durability. Allows a clasp without attaching it w/fragile thread.