
154 Pins
The carnivorous modified leaves of the Tropical Pitcher Plant
Veitch's Pitcher Plant - Maliau Basin | Alex Hyde
Large aerial pitchers of Veitch's Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes veitchii) growing up a tree trunk. Montane mossy heath forest or 'kerangas' on the southern plateau of Maliau Basin, Sabah's 'Lost World', Borneo. Pitcher plants are carniverous, trapping invertebrate prey in their liquid-filled pitfall traps.
nepenthes rajah
Nepenthes rajah is the largest of the pitcher plants, and it's also the largest carnivorous plant in the world.
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Exotica Plants - Nepenthes Plants Online Nursery
Nepenthes Plants - Heliamphora Plants - Carnivorous Plants - Pitcher Plants - Online Nursery - Exotica Plants Grower
Nepenthes. popularly known as tropical pitcher plants or monkey cups, is a genus of carnivorous plants in the monotypic family Nepenthaceae.