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26 Pins
Imágenes y Educación: Rosario Perejon > Recursos musicales- Dibujos | Kindergarten music, Music lessons for kids, Teaching music
Body percussion cards - great composition idea! Could also incorporate rests or have eighth notes represented by two small pictures on one card.
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ORIGINAL Madonna 12x18.5 Painting on Textured by Flowrsinherhair
Free Music Teaching Resource Flashcards to Download
Free Music Teaching Resource Flashcards to Download
Musicograma de la Marxa de Radetzky - Johann Strauss
Musicograma de la Marxa de Radetzky - Johann Strauss - YouTube
Let`s Learn the Music Symbols {No Prep Printables Bundle} from Anastasiya Multimedia Studio
Instruments de musique
Instruments de musique - Turbulus, jeux pour enfants
Printable Music Note Dot To Dot Puzzle
This printable dot to dot puzzle shows a music note called an eighth note. It is great for music announcements or recital invitations. Free to download and print
Método Kodáli
To put up in an elementary school music room… Children singing & using solfege hand signs ~ Just need to change Si to Ti!