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Girl in red cape
Girl in red cape, posted on Flickr by Mitch Young. Tinted 1/6 plate daguerrotype.
ca. 1850s, [daguerreotype portrait of a boy with a hat and his hair in ringlets] via Be-Hold, Fine Photographs
Young Lady with Lace Gloves by MissyLynne on DeviantArt
Ah, hand tinted photographs. There is something really charming about this girl.
Собираемся на бал. Причёски середины XIX века.
Собираемся на бал. Причёски середины XIX века. | ВКонтакте
Actually, the patterns of the waist and skirt match. It might seem a bit much now, but in the 1850s? The collar is very fine and the young lady lovely. She also has a ring on her forefinger.
American quarter-plate daguerreotype of two young children, ca 1850
American quarter-plate daguerreotype of two young children, ca 1850