Military and Warfare 17th-18th Century

487 Pins
A private of the British 17th Foot as he would have appeared during the American Revolution.
"Vèncer o Morir" - Miquelets de Catalunya
"Vèncer o Morir" - Miquelets de Catalunya
Not long after the French arrived in Wisconsin, they started building forts. At these forts were garrisoned soldiers of the Compagnies Franches de la Marine (literally "Independant Companies of the Navy"). These were the troops that were sent to France's colonies including Canada. Although soldiers, the role of these men in Wisconsin was usually not fighting in wars (with some exception... the Fox Wars). Their main duty was to be a presence of the King in the colonies; providing protection,
British F&I wars. Click on image to ENLARGE.
Fort Ligonier Days French and Indian War Reenactment 10-10-2009 46
Fort Ligonier Days French and Indian War Reenactment
American Revolutionary War British Army re-enactors - I'm still learning to "read" rank off of insignia, but I know that the three in the back would be commissioned officers (hints: the gorgets, swords, and solid-coloured crimson sashes), and the man in the left foreground is likely a sergeant (hint: the harberd/spontoon, and the striped red sash). I think the man in the right foreground is a corporal (I see white cording on one shoulder, and he still has a musket), but don't quote me on it....
The first war fought on a world wide basis ( England and France had colonies all over the world ), it caused none of the damage, or cost anywhere near the blood and treasure the Wor,d Wars of the 20th Century.
seven years war british uniforms
seven years war british uniforms - Google Search