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"I have no time for games." . . . . . . . . . . #worldofwarcraft #forthehorde #warcraft #sylvanas #sylvanaswindrunner
Charging Carnotaurus sastrei - work in progress by FabrizioDeRossi on DeviantArt
Charging Carnotaurus sastrei - work in progress by FabrizioDeRossi on DeviantArt
Carnotaurus III by AntarcticSpring on DeviantArt
Carnotaurus III by ~AntarcticSpring on deviantART... One of my top two favorite dinosaurs :)
Spinosauridae size shart by Hyrotrioskjan on DeviantArt
Now, after many hours and pencils, the family of spinosaurids come back to life Suchomimus: Baryonyx: Siamosaurus: Irritator: Spinosaurus: Oxalaia:
Просмотр изображения J34It.jpg
Dinosaurs!....pretty much all the dinosaurs ever discovered....give or take a couple of bones.
Beasts of the Mesozoic: Raptor Series Action Figures
'Atrociraptor package art by Jonathan Kuo'
Raptor by Jonathan Kuo part of the Beasts of the Mesozoic: Raptor Series Action Figures Kickstarter by David Silva
Spinosaurus by Herschel-Hoffmeyer on DeviantArt
Anatomically incorrect, but still awesome Spinosaurus by on @deviantART