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111 Pins
Snacks rellenos en forma de flor. ¡Hermosa delicia!
¡Dilo con flores! ¡De hojaldre! 💐😋 #floresdehojaldre #masadehojaldre #snacksdehojaldre #riquisimo
@dani_gotovit [Video] | Parti yemekleri, Yemek tarifleri, Yemek ve şarap
How to Make Epic Charcuterie Boards - from an Expert!
Sandwich tray with all the fixings kellyelko.com #snacks #appetizers #sandwiches #recipes
Crescent Dog Pull-Apart Wreath
Everyone loves crescent dogs especially when they're put together in a festive wreath! This 3-ingredient Crescent Dog Pull-Apart Wreath takes minutes to put together and is a guaranteed holiday hit! All of your guests and family will be coming back for seconds on this fun Christmas appetizer.
сервировка стола к празникам - Picterest Website
сервировка стола к празникам - #празникам #сервировка #стола
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Поднос мяса
How to Get Kids to Eat their Veggies – Get them to Make These
Kids love making toys but not eating their veggies. Well how about assembling a veggie train like this. Each station can have their favorite dip. We recommend an adult do all the cutting and leave…