
20 Pins
A Sauna Disguised As A Golden Egg Sits In The Landscape Of Sweden
Inside this egg shaped sauna, multi-level wood seating with hidden lighting and patterned wood walls surround the fireplace. The fascinating egg can accomodate up to eight people at once.
Home Inspiration: Lovely Underground Shipping Container Home Plans For from Underground Shipping Container Home Plans
Löyly Helsinki: Avanto Architects – Martyn White London
Modern stove sauna Löyly public sauna and restaurant in Helsinki, designed by Avanto Architects. photograph by featured on Martyn White Designs luxury blog.
Zitbank Cortenstaal 200x35x40cm. | 2mm.
De houtopslagen van worden vervaardigd uit 2mm Corten-A staal. De houtopslagen worden vaak gebruikt als tuinafscheiding of windbescherming. ;Uiteraard worden ze ook gebruikt voor de opslag van openhaardhout.
Entre pelo Cano no México, Tubo Hotel en Tepoztlán
Tiny isolated cabin in Norway is only accessible by foot or horse
Tiny isolated cabin in Norway is only accessible by foot or ho...
Rest Hole par UTAA - Journal du Design
C’est sur le campus de l’université de Séoul que l’on peut admirer cette incroyable structure organique imaginée et réalisée par le studio UTAA. Avant, c'était un parking ! Maintenant, un espace de détente, eco-friendly, tout en bois © photo Jin Hyo-suk, Kim Yong-soon, courtesy of UTAA
For professionals
Sauna, SANARIUM® and Wellness Areas - KLAFS for Hotels, Baths, Spa
Grotto Sauna / Partisans
Grotto Sauna Architect | Partisans Location | Bernyk Island, The Archipelago, ON, Canada
Tips for Growing Gorgeous Hydrangeas
Cool Cargo: 45 Prefab & Shipping Container Home Designs | Designs & Ideas on Dornob
Shut up and take my money...
Let's just move away from everyone and live in a hole in the ground. Not a nasty, wet hole, but a Hobbit hole...and that means comfort.