Sherlock BBC

243 Pins
I love you more than Mycroft loves his umbrella.: Photo
mightilyconfused: Possibly one of the most... - Fire Breathing Bitch Queen
Ahahaha!!! click it! (gif)
AmazingL LifeUploads
I am pinning this simply because this is the way to fangirl politely. You'll notice the stars respond with equal politeness when treated like people instead of icons...// Yes. Just yes.
The perfection that is Martin Freeman.
"You're gonna love being dead, Sherlock. Nobody ever bothers you." -- I literally jumped in my chair when I scrolled down and this picture popped up on my screen. You know a villain is super-awesomely scary when you flinch at the mere sight of him.
Soo, Now I have a Tumblr...
Mark Gatiss and Martin Freeman
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To the best of times, John. WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THIS?