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壁/天井/ハンドメイド/ワイヤークラフト/北欧/ガーランド...などのインテリア実例 - 2017-02-06 07:51:08 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ) | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)
On Walls/ハンドメイド/北欧/ガーランド/ワイヤークラフト/minneで販売中のインテリア実例 - 2017-02-05 22:51:08
Metal hen wall decoration with driftwood and wire, a hen on a wall, chic country decoration, retro bohemian, nature wire
Welcome, this is an original creation made to order in black annealed wire. If you like the taste of authenticity, then fall for this driftwood decoration with its hen and rooster. Made from annealed wire and blue fabric, they will decorate your kitchen with originality, for example. Result ? A warm interior that looks like a country house! - The set made of driftwood, wire and fabric measures approximately 45 cm by 45 cm. - Hens measure approximately 24cm by 18cm. - The creation hangs with a nail but can also be placed. Please note, all my creations are made of real French annealed iron wire that I treat naturally anti-rust with my little secret recipe so that it stands the test of time without changing or rusting. With this type of thread you will have a creation with a very int
Monstera Leaf Annealed Wire Leaf, Floral Wall Decoration, Tropical Nature Decoration, Jungle Atmosphere, Nature Atmosphere - Etsy Canada
This contains an image of: MyWireLove - Etsy
MyWireLove - Etsy