
23 Pins
Sherlockophobia: The fear of Anderson lowering the IQ of the whole street - The Homeless Network | Facebook
lol he's adorable x) And besides, now he'll have a lovely wife to pick his clothes everyday. :)
Again don't ship Gale, but how things ended between them, KILLED me.
"Please..." Honey we gotta wait two years....
Sherlock Holmes 8x10 Print I Am a Brain My Dear Watson and | Etsy
It's funny how he always insists upon this, but we all know that isn't true. He really is more than just a brain, and he knows it, but sometimes he doesn't want to admit it. He actually proves this over and over again through his enduring friendship with Watson.
A Few More Sherlock (or Smauglock, Rather) Pics
While this is funny I wonder if anyone else noticed that in the first episode Sherlock once said "I don't have any friends" and he just now in this scene called John his friend
Yes I did!- The man with the key is king, and honey, the king is back! :)
#SherlockLives Limited Tshirt
#SherlockLives Limited Tshirt
Sherlock pretending to apologize, turns his only friend into an experiment. They are still best friends. Brilliant.
#SherlockLives Limited Tshirt
"I always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking, but usually it's subtext" - I love this show!