Paper Art

The story of an old ZOO - Kateřina Audová
The story of an old ZOO on Behance
AirPano Travel Book
AirPano Travel Book — a collection of unique spherical 360° photo panoramas of the most amazing places in the world shot from a bird’s eye view. An exciting journey with a real-life presence at a photographic location. Rotate an image, change the field of view, and zoom in on a particular detail. See the most beautiful cities of the world, historical locations, beaches, night landscapes, witness volcanic eruptions, amazing lakes, mountaintops, and waterfalls.
matematicasVisuales | Construcción de poliedros : El rectángulo áureo y el icosaedro
Construcción poliedros| Icosaedro, tres rectangulos áureos en madera e hilo | matematicasVisuales
Advanced projects: printable pop-up cards & paper craft
A selection of advanced projects. These printable designs are more difficult or time consuming to make, but the pop-ups will be well-worth your efforts.
Arquitectura que ILUMINA
Kirigami - AD España, © KiriLamp
How to Design Your Own Pop-Up Cards -
There are many types of pop-ups, but to keep things from getting too complicated and long, in this tutorial I will only discuss the style known as OA (for Origamic Architecture), and limit myself to cards which are best viewed when they … Continue reading →
The Pop-Up Paper House | Gadgetsin
Miniature Paper House
Bancroft pop-up dolls house book - the inside
Bancroft pop-up dolls house book - the inside by Rebecca's Collections, via Flickr